Frontliners Youth Ministry exists to help youths understand who they are in Christ and how their faith can make a difference in the world around them. We believe the Christian life is a journey with incredible opportunities to connect with God and allow Him to shape us into the people and leaders He created us to be.


Leader: Pr. Sean Wong



A place where we dive into the Word of God, get to know one another in a deeper level, pray and play. Not forgetting, we eat together too!

Kick-Off Party in January

Every year, we kick start the new year with a bang at this party. We have activities, food and more!

Annual Youth Camps

Where we invite our non-believer friends to spend a few days with us, sharing the love of God with them through exciting activities, worship services and more! Every year, around 60 youths attend the youth camp.

Mission Trips

Save your year-end holiday for something more meaningful than watching TV/Playing video games. Help the people in our nation by joining the annual mission trips to local places and more!

Youth Conferences

The ministry is constantly on a look-out for good youth conferences around Malaysia that our youth can participate in, learn and benefit from. The youths had attended the Fairstival 2017 in Acts Church, KL and were tremendously blessed.

School Break Activities

Whether it is a ‘Lock-In’ or Games Nights or sports, the Frontliners Youth Ministry have it all planned out so that the youths today will use their time on things that matter like building friendships and even discipling one another.



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